The European Brabant should be balanced and slightly rectangular in shape. When viewed from the side, the horse’s body should be divided into three equal parts with the converging shoulder and hip angles meeting roughly in the center. The knee and hock should be approximately the same height.

Correct and Incorrect Structure of Front Legs
NOTE: Illustrations from front view, shoulder down of horse
The European Brabant should have ample, robust leg bone with correct confirmation. Each part should be defined and distinct.

NOTE: Illustrations from side view, shoulder down of horse

Correct and Incorrect Structure of Hind Legs
NOTE: Illustrations from rear view of horse
In addition to having heavy leg bone with correct confirmation, the European Brabant should also have a double-muscled hindquarter (rump) with a wide, long, slightly sloped croup. When viewed from behind, the rump should appear to have two distinct cheeks.

NOTE: Illustrations from side-rear view of horse

Correct and Incorrect Structure of the Neck
NOTE: Illustrations from side view, shoulder forward of horse
A European Brabant should have a correct, well-muscled neck. A mare’s neck is slightly longer than a stallion’s, who may appear slightly close-coupled (shorter-necked) and more heavily muscled.

Correct and Incorrect Structure of the Head
NOTE: Illustrations from side view, neck forward of horse
Ideally, a European Brabant should have a straight-lined, correct head. Some have roman noses, which is not ideal but is acceptable. The head should appear slightly smaller and refined for a horse of their large proportions. Stallions typically have broader heads with large platter jaws. Both males and females should possess a large, kind eye and proud head carriage.

Correct and Incorrect Structure of Pasterns
NOTE: Illustrations from cannon bone down
The European Brabant should have proportionate joints to support their large bone and frame. The pasterns should be correct and free of edema. Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the leg tissues.

Color Markings Guide
Some white markings on the face and legs are permitted. The face may have a star, stripe, snip or combo of all three. While a modest blaze is also allowed, no full white faces are permitted. Markings on the legs should be limited to mid cannon and below. Absolutely no white markings on the body are permitted.

Movement should be regular and correct with a powerful hindquarters and no over-animation. At all gates, the European Brabant should cover ground straight, true and efficiently. Their frame should be balanced and their movements free-going. At the road trot, the European Brabant should have lengthened lateral extension, robust hindquarter compulsion and a proud head carriage. However, the working trot is slower with less suspension and their head and neck are carried lower and relaxed. Like the walk and trot, the canter should be free-going with an efficient, rhythmic stride.
NOTE: There should be neither compression of stride or flashy over-animation (high-kneed or high-gaited) at any gate.